Fire Safe Council Staff
Jamie Jones - Executive Director, CEO
Chris Wackerly - Director of Operations
Janet Shimnoski - Director of Finance
Jim Mathias- Wildfire Prevention Manager
Shannon Banks - Field Administrator
Pat Leach - FireWise Coordinator
Fire Safe Council of Nevada County Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is made up entirely of volunteers and is comprised of local residents, property owners, businesses, organizations, and government agencies that are concerned about fire in Nevada County.
Pete Williams- Chairman
Steve Eubanks- Vice Chairman
Susan Williams- Treasurer
Steve Eubanks- Secretary
Alan Doerr- GIS Specialist
Myron Graessle– Member at Large
Jason Schroeder- BLM
Landon Haack- CAL FIRE
Rita Clipperton- US Forest Service
Patrick Mason- Agency Partner
Fire Safe Council of Nevada County Committee Members
The Fire Safe Council of Nevada County encourages you to join a committee to address specific issues. We are looking for Associate Board members with fiscal, legal, outreach, education, and technical skills related to fire safety. Consider becoming a member of our team to share your leadership skills and give back to your community.
Executive/Finance Committee:
Pete Williams- Chairman
Steve Eubanks- Vice Chairman
Jamie Jones- Executive Director, CEO
Susan Williams, Treasurer
Janet Shimnoski - Director of Finance
About the Board of Directors
Pete Williams, Chairman
During 34 years in California state government, Pete managed a variety of administrative and program functions. He retired as the Program Manager for California Victim Compensation Program. At State Parks, the Governor’s Office, and elsewhere, he developed and used expertise in human resources, improving work processes, team facilitation, performance measurement, customer and employee surveys, and organizational assessment. His 20 years in human resources, includes serving as Personnel Manager for 25 Boards and Commissions and Training Manager for the Department of General Services.
Steve Eubanks, Vice Chairman
B.S. in Forest Engineering from Oregon State University. 39 year career with the U.S. Forest Service with assignments in Oregon, Washington, Washington, D.C., Minnesota and, most recently in California as Supervisor of the Tahoe National Forest. Retired in 2008 and began forestry consulting with the Sierra Nevada Conservancy, Placer County and the Placer County Air Pollution Control District with focus on sustainable forestry, carbon credits and biomass energy. Chair of the Nevada County Biomass Task Force that is focusing on construction of a biomass energy facility in Western Nevada County. Other experience has included work in Russia in sustainable forestry--1995 to today, chair of the visiting committee of a National Science Foundation program emphasizing environmental careers, and extensive work in fire suppression and management.
Susan Williams, Treasurer
Alan Doerr, Director
Education includes a Bachelor’s Degree in Forest Science from Humboldt State University and completion of the graduate level, Advanced Program in Forest Ecology and Silviculture at UC Berkley. Alan worked for the US Forest Service for over 36 years as a forester in a variety of positions. He served as an Inventory and Analysis Forester, District Silviculturist, Environmental (NEPA) Planner and Team Leader, and Geospatial Analysis (GIS), and Certified Silviculturist, and was qualified as an expert witness in GIS in Federal Court. Throughout this time, Alan also assisted with fire management on a call-when-needed basis. He was qualified as an Engine Boss, Dozer Boss, Strike Team Leader, Field Observer, Resource Unit Leader and Situation Unit Leader on an Incident Management Team. Prior to federal service, worked five seasons for the California Division of Forestry as a firefighter.
Myron Graessle, Member at Large