The Fire Safe Council is a non-profit, local volunteer organization. We are dedicated to making Nevada County safer from catastrophic wildfire through fire safety projects and education.
We accomplish this mission by providing valuable training, community outreach, and fuel reduction services at no cost, or very low cost to the residents of Nevada County.
The Fire Safe Council of Nevada County
relies on donations from local community members, associations, or businesses to ensure these programs are available to you.
If you see the value in what we do, please consider making a tax-deductible donation of any size. It's another way you can help to keep our community safe from wildfire!
NOTE: You do not need to have a Pay Pal account to donate. You can make a donation via credit or debit card and check out as a guest. Simply scroll down on the checkout page to see the guest option, or
use this link.
Also, you can mail your donation to us at:
Fire Safe Council of Nevada County
PO Box 1112
Grass Valley, CA 95945