The Fire Safe Council of Nevada County is accepting applications for the Access and Functional Needs Program through which residents can receive defensible space clearing services within 100’ of their homes.
Defensible space is the first line of defense against wildfire and is created by removing highly flammable vegetation including tall grasses, heavy brush, and tree branches lower than 10 feet off the ground. Defensible space clearing will be performed by Fire Safe Council crews.
Low-income residents who are either 65+ or disabled are eligible for free defensible space clearing services within 100' of their homes. Applicants should be prepared to supply proof of residency, medical disability, and income. Income qualifications are based on HUD/HCD criteria.
The Fire Safe Council of Nevada County has accepted XXXXX applications for the Access and Functional Needs Program. The intent of this program is to allow qualified applicants to recieve defensible space clearing services within 100' of their homes. So far, we have completed XXXX properties. Many of the submitted applications have been processed and we are currently waiting for grant funding to allow this work to continue. FEMA has not given as estimate of when the funding will be processed. If you have submitted your application, please be patient as we work with our grant partners to allow us to begin this work.
This program is being funded and managed in cooperation with The County of Nevada, CalOES (California Governor's Office of Emergency Services), FEMA and The Fire Safe Council of Nevada County, with support from United Way of Nevada County.
We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions to help you get started:
Question - I filed an application several months ago. When can I expect work to begin on my property?
Answer – We are waiting for the County of Nevada, Cal OES (California Govenor's Office of Emergency Services), and FEMA to supply the funds to resume this work. There is currently no estimate on that timeline, please be patient.
Question - What is the age requirement to be considered a senior citizen?
Answer - The current minimum age for qualification is 65.
Question - What is the income limitation for qualifying?
Answer – Income requirements change annually so be sure to check back. In 2022 a 2-person household cannot have more than $78,700.00 annually. The income cap also changes based on the number of people in the household. Income tables listed here:
Question - I am a renter- can I apply?
Answer – Yes! With the Permission to complete work from property owner.
Question - I have a lot of big trees on my property - can you take them down?
Answer – Maybe. This will depend on the inspection report and the prescription. If a large tree is deemed too dangerous to leave in place, we would hire out that removal to a local contractor.
Question - What does “defensible space clearing” mean?
Answer - Defensible Space Requirements as stated in California Public Resource Code 4291 will be established in the following ways:
1) Create defensible space of one hundred (100') feet from each side and from the front and rear of the Structure to the property line.
2) Remove the portion of a tree that extends within ten (10') feet of the outline of a chimney or stovepipe.
3) Climbing vines must be removed from trees and Structures within the one hundred (100') foot defensible space zone around Structure(s).
4) Ensure trees, shrubs, or other plants adjacent to or overhanging a building are free of dead or dying wood.
5) Remove all leaves, needles, or other vegetative materials from the roof of structure(s).
6) Remove ladder fuels within the one hundred (100') foot Defensible Space area around structure(s).
If funds are available after the above work is complete, implement the following:
1) Remove Ladder Fuels to a minimum of a ten (10') foot wide strip of land beyond the shoulder of a roadway serving as primary ingress and egress to the parcel, and to a height of fifteen (15') feet along the boundary of a Parcel.
These are just a few answers to the most frequently asked questions. Please be sure to inquire if you have any other questions.